November 2105                                                                                                                                               Back to October


Sunday 1st

10 to 12 to 10°C. 1.10kWh 100W max. Foggy overnight and never cleared.


Monday 2nd

8 to 9 to 8°C. 995Wh 100W max. Still foggy, if anything worse than yesterday.


Tuesday 3rd

8 to 10 to 9°C. 495Wh 80W max.  The fog cleared overnight but it was even darker during the day with rain setting in late in the afternoon.


Wednesday 4th

11 to 13 to 12°C. 875Wh 100W max. Another dull damp day.


Thursday 5th

9 to 15 to 13°C. 372Wh 80W max Another very mild but gloomy showery day.


Between the showers Pat managed to rearrange the fencing in the vegetable garden so the chickens can scratch in the beds where the onions and peas were grown. They think we are being kind to them but the real motive is so they can keep the weeds down till the spring. Hopefully by then I will be fit enough to dig it all over.


Friday 6th

13 to 16 to 12°C. 497Wh 80W max. Still gloomy, still mild and still damp.


Saturday 7th

11 to 15 to 8°C. 1.24kWh 400W max.  Rained overnight and some of the morning. Brighter but colder and breezier in the afternoon and evening.


Sunday 8th

8 to 14 to 9°C. 126Wh 50W max. An even more miserable day with dark clouds, heavy showers and feeling colder in the stronger south westerly wind.


Monday 9th

7 to 14 to 13°C 678Wh 120W max. A little bit brighter though still windy with some showers.


My leg has finally started to feel better though the muscles are still very weak and untrustworthy. Sol I will still need my crutches as a precaution but I will try to put most of my weight onto it. Exercises should also help; there is plenty of advice on line.


Tuesday 10th

14 to 16 to 14°C. 1.3kWh 600W max. Still mainly cloudy but no rain and a warm southerly breeze.


I managed, with Pat's help placing them on the saw horse, to cut up quite a few logs. Enough to last us a couple of weeks, not that we need to light the stove at the moment..


Wednesday 11th

13 to 14 to 10°C. 787Wh 400W max. Another cloudy, breezy and mild day.


Some of the miniature narcissus are coming through on the raised bed, probably encouraged by this unseasonally mild weather. They will get a shock when it turns cold at the weekend. Before that storm Abigail is brewing to West but it is likely to move well North of us over Friday.


Thursday 12th

9 to 13 to 10°C. 3.62kWh 1.2kW max.  A brighter day with some sunny intervals around midday but with some showers in the late afternoon and evening.


Friday 13th

6 to 9 to 7°C. 4.25kWh 1.2kW max.  Some showery rain overnight but sunny by the morning and most of the day though a lot colder with a blustery westerly wind. The stormy weather passed as expected over Scotland but tomorrow and Sunday another depression is forecast to give heavy rain nearer to home.


Pat ordered some logs from a local supplier since it is unlikely I will be able to cut enough from our own stocks for this winter. 3,6 cubic metres which more than half filled the wood store and might even be enough with what we had already cut. She brought it round in barrows and I stacked it until my back leg started feeling sore after an hour. Even so we moved most of it under cover before the rain.


Saturday 14th

6 to 10 to 15°C. 980Wh 600W max. Bright sunny start but clouded over with rain by late morning but mosty quite light (9mm).


Pat managed to get the rest of the logs under cover before it rained.


Sunday 15th

14 to 15 to 14°C.  726Wh 100W max.  A very mild but gloomy windy day with a few short showers.


Monday 16th

8 to 10 to 7°C. 2.99kWh 600W max. A cooler breezy day with sunny intervals in the morning and blustery showers in the afternoon. Storm Barny is due to pass directly across us tomorrow.


Tuesday 17th

5 to 12 to 11°C. 407Wh 100W max. Cold misty start with rain in the morning followed by strong gusty winds in the afternoon and evening.


The winds were strong enough to blow a lot of twigs and small mostly dead branches off the oak and ash trees but there wasn't any major damage in the garden.


Wednesday 18th

10 to 13 to 11°C. 1.11kWh 600W max. Cloudy showery morning with a few sunnier periods in the afternoon. Still quite windy.


Thursday 19th

9 to 10 to 7°C. 287Wh 60W max. Very dull with a few light showers and very little wind.


Friday 20th

4 to 7 to 2°C. 2,1kWh 800W max. A brighter but much colder day with a chilly northerly wind and some sunshine in the afternoon.


Finally my leg seems to be getting better. It will be a long time before I can ride my bicycle again, especially during the winter months, so I have decided to buy an exercise bike to strenghten my leg and even after this has worked to get some exercise more safely than riding outside on muddy, wet, or icy roads.


Saturday 21st

2 to 4 to 1°C. 4.44kWh 1.1kW max.  Sunny morning and bright afternoon but with a very cold northerly wind.


Sunday 22nd

1 to 5 to 1°C. 1.21kWh 600W max. Some sleet and drizzle overnight. Cleared by lunchtime and felt a little warmer as the wind died down.


Monday 23rd

-3 to 3 to 7°C. 1.02Kwh 200W max. Bright frosty start but soon clouded over, raining by the afternoon but also warmer as the wind moved south again.


Tuesday 24th

7 to 9 to 6°C. 1.12kWh 250W max.  Cloudy and milder with some showers in the afternoon and evening.


Went to see my doctor this afternoon. He confirmed that my leg was improving and the most likely cause of the swelling is restricted blood flow near my damaged groin muscles. The exercise bike came today and I started to assemble and should have it finished to try it out tomorrow, just gently to begin with.


Wednesday 25th

8 to 9 to 9°C. 521Wh 100W max. Heavy rain all morning then a short brighter period before light rain in the afternoon. Still raining in the evening.


Pat went shopping. I finished assembling the bike but I can't use it yet. My leg won't bend high enough for the top travel of the pedal.


Thursday 26th

8 to 11 to 9°C. 687Wh 120W max.  Dull with very little wind, feeling damp but no actual rain.

It looks like we will generate less electricity than any previous month, including December and January of earlier years.


Amazingly despite the dull weather Pat is still picking tomatoes, peppers and chillies in the polytunnel but the damp has done for the chrysanthemum flowers.


Friday 27th

9 to 12 to 5°C. 677Wh 600W max. Another mainly dull day with a short brighter period around lunchtime followed by rain in the late afternoon and evening before clearing and becoming much colder.


Saturday 28th

2 to 7 to 9°C. 490Wh 100W max. Very dull with heavy rain in the morning and showers in the afternoon.


Even the hens stayed inside for most of the day.


Sunday 29th

7 to 12 to 7°C. 305Wh 50W max. Rained all day this time with strong winds as well.


Maybe December will be better?


Monday 30th

6 to 12 to 6°C. 700Wh 150W max. Lignt rain for most of the day with a little brightness in the afternoon.

